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Saline/Laser Removal Aftercare

Day 1-10

Right after the treatment, clean the lymph or fluid in the treated area with dry cotton pads or tissues. Keep the skin area that has been involved in the treatment dry and prevent it from getting wet. 

On the night of the procedure, start wetting a cotton pad with saline wound care and blot the area to remove dirt and debris.


Day 10 and beyond

Apply vitamin E oil to the treated area to help with the healing process.


For lips only

Drink all liquids with a straw until all scabbing has naturally fallen off. Brush teeth with regular toothpaste (no whitening, no peroxide toothpaste). Cut food into small bites….no biting into a sandwich. Try to keep mouth expressions to a minimum.


VERY IMPORTANT. Do not pick the scabs. Avoid public swimming pools, sunbathing, tanning, facepowder, saunas, and facials. Do not perform exercise that causes sweating. No makeup on the eyebrows. No smoking, no alcohol.

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