Call/Text 781-561-0085

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I know if I'm going to a reputable business for permanent makeup?
A: Permanent makeup, including microblading, is considered a form of body art. Body art is regulated by each county within the United States by the county's Health Department. Body art in Massachusetts are not allowed to be performed in a cosmetology salons (including spa, hair, and nail salon) except medical spa with a physician's license. If you're still unsure, ask your provider for a copy of the Health Department certificate or call the Health Department in that county to verify.
Q: What's the difference among microblading, powder brows and nano brows?
A: Microblading is a manual procedure using a blade to mimic hair giving you a bare brow look. Powder brow is a machine procedure that gives you a filled-in look (like you filled your brows in with a brow pencil). Nano brows is similar with microblading except it is done with a machine which is more gentle for the skin and the result can range from natural looking brows to dramatic brows dependent on client's preference.
Q: Am I a candidate for permanent makeup? What are the contraindications for microblading/permanent makeup?
A: You are under 18
You have uncontrolled diabetes
You are pregnant or breastfeeding
You have glaucoma or taking blood thinning medicines (e.g., aspirin, warfarin)
You have skin diseases such as psoriasis or eczema
You have hemophilia
You have healing disorders or uncontrolled high blood pressure
You are on any skin medication such as Accutane or steroids
You have active skin cancer
You are undergoing radiotherapy or chemotherapy (consult your doctor)
You have epilepsy
You have a pacemaker or major heart problem
Q: How long does microblading/permanent makeup last?
A: Microblading usually lasts for about a year to 36 months depending on the condition of your skin. However, yearly color boost is recommended to keep your permanent makeup fresh.
Q: Is microblading/permanent makeup painful?
A: Mild anesthetics are used before and during the treatment hence fully eliminated pain.
Q: Can I do microblading/permanent makeup during pregnancy or breastfeeding?
A: It is not recommended in general because anesthetic can have harmful effect.
Q: Can I get microblading/permanent makeup during menopause?
A: Yes! However, there is a possibility of poor pigment retention due to excessive sweating.
Q: Can I get microblading/permanent makeup if I have high blood pressure?
A: Yes, if your HBP is controlled. The technician may need to get clearance from your PCP.
Q: What if I don’t like it?
A: Although the procedure is considered permanent, these procedures do have flexibility in changing color and shape to some extent, depending on the expertise of your technician. Colors will appear darker immediately following the procedure but will soften and lighten during the healing process. The healing time is different for each individual and procedure. It’s very important to realize that often the new procedure represents something somewhat different; at times color where there was no color at all or very little. It takes time to become acclimated to a new look (very often this applies to eyebrows which were sparse and unnoticeable before the permanent cosmetic brow procedure.) Eyeliner color is more evident due to the contrast to the skin color. Lip color can take up to six weeks to reflect the final color. Be patient. After the procedure has healed, and you are able to make an informed decision about the healed version of the procedure, the only reason you should not like your permanent cosmetics is if you chose a technician who did not work with you on design and color.
Q: Are there any side effects during or after the procedure?
A: While eyebrows may show little after effect, eyeliner and lips may show slight to moderate swelling. This is very dependent upon the amount of work performed. As examples; an eyelash enhancement will show very little response to the tattooing procedure compared to a more moderate response when wide eyeliner is performed. The same philosophy applies to lip color procedures. A lip liner or blended lip liner will show less effects of the procedure than that of a full lip color. Also, some people swell more from minor skin infractions than others.
During the procedure there may be some minor bleeding. This again, is client specific. Many people take blood thinners on a daily basis so some slight bleeding would be expected. Others show little or no signs of bleeding. Bruising is rare but again, if a person is on blood thinners, bruising could occur. What is seen more often is that eyebrows rarely if ever produce any bruising; minor bruising during eyeliner procedures is possible if the skin being tattooed is very thin and close to the vascular system. This also applies to lip procedures in the event the client is more mature. If bruising does occur, typically it is minor and subsides in a few days. There is usually some tenderness for a few days. The color is much darker than you may expect for the first six to ten days.
Q: Do the pigments pose allergy problems?
A: People can develop an allergy to anything, anytime; however, pigment allergies are considered rare. Some doctors recommend that people with environmental allergies or allergies to conventional makeup have permanent cosmetic procedures because they can replace cosmetic products that people are sensitive to. While allergic reactions to any type of tattooing pigments on the body or on the face through permanent cosmetics may occur, they are extremely rare.
Q: Is there any possibility for medical problems?
A: The possibility that you would have any problems or reactions from these procedures is almost non-existent with today’s health standards. Post procedural instructions, if followed carefully, will greatly reduce any risk. Medical problems associated with permanent cosmetics are often linked to poor attention to the required aftercare process on behalf of the client. Choose a time for procedures when you feel confident you can follow the simple, but very important after care instructions.
Q: What’s a touch-up and do I need one?
A: Often the tattooed color is not perfect after the initial procedure heals. Permanent cosmetic procedures are a process and at least one follow-up to the initial procedure should be scheduled. It is recommended that any required detail work to the original procedure be performed no sooner than four weeks after the original procedure. The minimum standard for follow-up detail work for lip procedures is six weeks. Lips have a different healing agenda than procedures performed on other parts of the face due to their delicate nature. The cited time frames will vary depending on the health profile and age of the client, but these are good minimum standards for consideration.
Q: The scabs started peeling off and there is almost nothing under it. Is the pigment completely gone?
A: This is absolutely normal as the skin is actively repairing itself. New skin cells have been formed under the scabs and they are more dense and opaque. The pigment color under them looks very pale or almost invisible. The pigment will clarify in 1 – 2 months.
Q: I had a procedure 2 weeks ago. One eyebrow looks lighter than the other, the shapes also differ from each other. What should I do?
A: Sometimes skin areas of the same eyebrow have a different reaction to the pigment. Therefore, there is no need to worry if after the first procedure you get a slight asymmetry or a color difference. There is a follow-up appointment to correct it.
Q: I've heard that cosmetic tattoos can last for 3 years (5 years, 10 years, etc.) and you are talking about a year.
A: A 5-year-old tattoo cannot look natural, as the pigment is injected too deeply. Often such a tattoo fades into blue eyebrows and eyeliner. My goal is to give you a natural look and I advise to refresh you permanent makeup every 1-3 years.
Q: I want to get my brows microbladed/permanent makeup but I will not be able to avoid sweating or making my eyebrows wet. Would the tattoo still hold up?
A: You can not get your brows wet until the scabs fall off completely. The reason is that during the healing process the scab is helping to keep the pigment in the skin. If you make it wet or damage it in any way, it is possible that the pigment simply will not take in that area. And the sweat will dissolve the pigment.
Q: Are the scabs going to be very noticeable after microblading? For how long will I have them?
A: On the 3rd – 5th day after an eyebrow procedure there is a slight crusting, which flakes off approximately in a week. During this time you are going to look normal and you can easily go to work and leave home. Detailed Healing and Aftercare instructions will be provided at your appointment.
Q: How does an artist determine your eyebrow shape? Is it possible to see how your eyebrows are going to look before the procedure?
A: Before actual tattooing, you and your artist work together on the best eyebrow shape for you. The artist pre-draws different shapes and you approve the one that you like most. Artist will not start working until you approve the shape.
Q: Can I get cosmetic tattooing while on my period? Will it affect the color after healing?
A: Yes, you can, though you may be more sensitive if those days affect your mood. It will not affect the color in any way. The contraindications are outlined separately.
Q: Is it true that powder brows may prevent hair growth or hair starts growing in a different direction?
A: This is a myth. During the procedure a needle simply won't reach the hair follicle and affect the hair growth. Although the procedure does change hair growth in certain ways, it is a positive change. Strangely enough, in most cases after the procedure, hair starts re-growing on areas which were over-plucked long ago. Dermatologists explain it by the improvement of metabolism in the epidermis cells, provoked by the skin regeneration after the procedure.
Q: If you've done it once, will it be necessary to renew it every 1 – 1.5 years for life?
A: You can go without any touch-up or annual refresh sessions. The tattoo will fade over time and eventually disappear entirely. It's just that if you do it once - you realize how convenient it is. It is like having a car. It saves a lot of time.
Q: Is cosmetic tattooing same thing as a permanent makeup or microblading?
A: There is no difference, this is all tattooing. That is why your permanent makeup artist must have a tattoo license, and work only in an establishment that is properly licensed with the Health Department. Being an aesthetician, cosmetologist, or even a nurse practitioner would not convey the right in Massachusetts to perform permanent makeup procedures, as the tattoo license and proper apprenticeship and training are required.
Q: When are you allowed to get your eyebrows wet?
A: As soon as the peeling is over or in two weeks, whichever happens first.
Q: Is it necessary to correct the shape of my eyebrows before PMU or can I come with naturally full brows?
A: No it is not. I prefer when you leave your brows alone as soon as you are scheduled for the procedure.
Q: Why is it necessary to wait for 1-2 months before a touch-up?
A: After the procedure, the skin is undergoing not only external regeneration (this can be seen), but its tissues are also regenerating internally (this is what you do not see). This is the reason for such a waiting period. If done earlier, more pigment might be lost and the regeneration process might possibly be more difficult. It is also takes time for color to settle and "bloom".
Q: I want to get tattooing, but it looks too bright in the pictures and I don't like it. Why not to make it lighter?
A: Almost all photos are taken immediately after the procedure, when the pigment is on the skin and in it. After healing, the pigment is peeled from the top layer of the skin and the eyebrows become substantially lighter. After healing, the tattoo is going to look natural.
Q: Can I be wearing makeup for the appointment?
A: No restrictions. It may even give me ideas about your expectations and preferred style. However, makeup area where you're going to have the procedure will be removed.
Q: I did everything my artist told me to do, but on the third day I washed my hair and got my eyebrows wet. Did I ruin my eyebrows?
A: This may effect the retention. Please be more careful and keep following your aftercare instructions. Don't forget to mention this situation during your touch-up appointment.
Q: Are you doing 3D, 4D, 100D etc. microblading?
A: 3D, 4D, etc. is nothing more than a marketing tool. There are different techniques nowadays and I am qualified to perform them all if needed, but I strongly recommend to listen to my professional opinion and only get done what will work best for you and your particular case
Q: My brows have already been microbladed but I do not like the shape. Can you change it?
A: In this case I will need to see a good quality photo of your eyebrows first, I may suggest a consultation as well. I will check your existing tattoo and determine whether the new tattooing can correct the shape or it will be necessary to go through laser removal prior.
Q: You are saying that the cosmetic tattooing lasts for a year. What can affect its longevity?
A: Traces of permanent makeup can sometimes last for a very long time – up to 10 years. However, a quality permanent makeup performed for the first time, with one touch-up procedure lasts from 6 months to 1.5 years. That means you will need to refresh it about once a year. Everything depends on your lifestyle (for example sunbathing, frequent chemical peels, active workouts etc.), can reduce the time between touch-ups. There is simply no way of knowing how long the pigment will last and there are many factors to be taken into account (peculiarities of metabolism, your age - tattooing on mature skin lasts much longer, skin aftercare, etc.). You should keep in mind that word "permanent" used in term that you can't simply wash it off, but not that it will last forever.
Q: Will I be able to go to work right after the procedure and still look normal?
A: After eyebrows procedure - yes! After lips or eyes procedures you may need to wait for a few hours for a swelling to go down.
Q: How long does the procedure take?
A: The procedure cannot last for more than 3 hours as it is forbidden to work on the skin in the same area for longer. Without any distractions the average session will take from 2 to 3 hours.
Q: Are there many colors for tattooing to choose from? How to decide on the right color?
A: I am carrying a large number of different brands and spectrum of colors, there are a lot to choose from. At the beginning of the procedure I will suggest the best match for you according to your preferences.
Q: What is the influence of tanning beds and the sun in general on the microbladed brows? I've heard you cannot visit the tanning bed as the color will not hold up and will fade away quickly. Is it true?
A: First month after the procedure sun or tanning beds are forbidden as they interfere with the color and lead to unpredictable results. After that while visiting tanning beds or exposing yourself to the sun it is necessary to use SPF sunscreen. The reason is that the pigment is very susceptible to fading under UV rays.
Q: What happens to the tattoo in a year (2, 3, 10 etc.)?
A: Eventually (in each case this time is individual, but on average we are talking about a year – 1.5) the tattoo begins to lose its intensity. Of course, you are not going to wake up one morning and see no tattooing at all - the color disappears gradually. As soon as you notice these changes - it’s time for a touch-up. Surely, you get your hair cut and nails done regularly, don't you? The skin in its turn also regenerates constantly and requires periodical renewal.
Q: When is the touch-up done after the first application?
A: Usually in 1 – 3 months, depending on the skin. After a procedure, the skin is undergoing not only external regeneration (this can be seen), but its tissues are also regenerating internally (this is what you do not see). This is the reason for such a waiting period. If you do it earlier, more pigment might be lost, the regeneration process will be more difficult. Also it takes time for the color to settle and stabilize in your skin.
Q: I have a mole in the tattoo area, am I still a candidate for permanent makeup?
A: Yes, you can get a tattoo. I will pass over it while implanting the pigment.
Q: What is the difference between a fresh and healed permanent makeup?
A: (1) Eyebrows. The color will lighten up noticeably. The redness will disappear. "Hairstrokes" will not be so noticeable and crisp as they
will be laying under the skin.
(2) Eyes. The swelling will disappear and the color will soften.
(3) Lips. The color will change greatly, it will become more transparent and soft, the swelling will be gone.
Q: Can I get a few procedures on a same day?
A: Yes, you can get all areas tattooed on the same day.
Q: I had a bad experience in the past and now they are too dark. Can you cover up the dark pigment with a light one/ flesh-colored, and then make a new tattoo over it?
A: If you already have a tattoo, which needs to be improved - a simple tattoo won't work here. You'll need to remove it first. A new procedure will be possible only after removal, when they are lightened significantly and completely healed. Usually such removal takes from 3 months to 1.5 years. Otherwise, you are risking to receive multi-color brows. Which is going to be very difficult nearly impossible to correct.
Q: I had my lips injected with fillers, can I still have lip blush or lip cosmetic tattoo?
A: Yes, you can have permanent makeup, but not earlier than 3 weeks after the injection. I highly reccomend to have permanent makeup first.
Q: I want my eyes done, but I wear eyelash extensions, what do I do?
A: All eyelash extensions need to be removed prior the procedure and placed back on not earlier than 3 weeks after the session due to risk of infection.
Q: I had my permanent makeup done somewhere else, can I have you to do my Touch up / Refresh?
A: Yes, you can. You will be considered as a new client and you will pay the full price. If, due to the complexity of your case, you will require more than one touch up, it will be priced accordingly.
Q: Do you wear a face mask for the procedure?
A: Yes, mask and more. As a licensed tattoo studio, I always adhere to the strictest of guidelines. Some precautions are required by the Massachusetts Department of Health Guidelines, others are coming personally from me.
Additional safety steps:
Studio will remain an occupancy of no more than 1 visitor at a time. That means nobody can come with you!
✅Procedural bed will be covered with a protective sheet and an additional dental sheet at the head rest, discarded, and thoroughly cleaned with an EPA approved chemical after each client.
✅I will thoroughly wipe down doorknobs, doors, pens, clipboards, sinks and any other surface area in between clients.
✅Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be worn at all times. This includes (but not limited to) masks, face shield, gloves, shoe covers, disposable aprons.
✅Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be provided to clients as well
✅If you have been around anyone exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms within the past 14 days - Reschedule! I have little ones and other clients to look after
✅Phones must be kept away from the procedure area and must not be handled during the session, unless wiped with Sanitizing wipes (will provide).
✅Absolutely no guest(s) will be allowed to wait in the waiting area. Please come to your appointment alone.
✅Temperature checks will be taken upon entering the facility with a touch-less infrared thermometer. Anybody who has a temperature above 99°F will be rescheduled.
Q: I cannot decide on brow shape on my own. Will you be able to help me?
A: Of course! Brow shape is decided with the client's input: I do the mapping, you comment and agree on the shape. If eyebrows are not to your liking I will adjust the shape until the most flattering form and color is achieved.
Q: How old you have to be to get permanent makeup?
A: 18 years old, no exception!
Q: Can I wear makeup while my brows are healing? Can I use mascara, foundation?
A: If you had your brows tattooed you can use mascara or face powder or foundation even if the brows are still healing. Just avoid the eyebrow area. You can start wearing makeup for your brows after the peeling is completely over.
Q: Can I have cosmetic tattooing while I am pregnant?
A: Tattooing is a stress for your body, even though it is a small one. I do not perform cosmetic tattooing for pregnant women. It is better to wait until the baby is born.
Q: If my eyebrow hair is very light, will they become more visible after cosmetic tattooing?
A: Permanent makeup affects just the color of your skin, not the hair. If the hairs are light and are standing out, you'll have to tint them from time to time. It can be done after complete healing.